
Bruxism: Protecting Your Teeth from Nighttime Grinding

Are you grinding your teeth at night? This condition, known as bruxism, is more than just a nuisance; it can lead to serious dental issues. But fear not, there are ways to protect your teeth and get a better night’s sleep.

bruxismBruxism often goes unnoticed, as it usually occurs during sleep. Stress and anxiety are common triggers, but misaligned teeth or sleep disorders can also play a role. The symptoms can vary, from soreness and headaches to worn-down teeth.  You might notice your teeth are becoming worn unevenly, or you might experience pain in your jaw, neck, or face. In some cases, it can lead to TMJ, a condition that causes pain and restricted movement in the jaw.

One of the most effective ways to combat bruxism is with a mouthguard. Your dentist can create a custom-fitted guard that you wear at night. This acts as a barrier between your teeth, preventing grinding and protecting them from damage.

Stress reduction is another key component of managing bruxism. Techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and regular exercise can help reduce stress levels and, in turn, lessen teeth grinding.

If you’re experiencing symptoms of bruxism, don’t wait to seek help. A visit to McCracken Family Dentistry can set you on the path to relief and ensure your teeth stay healthy and strong.  Schedule your appointment today!